Source code for webapp.sockets

"""A collection of websocket routes"""

import base64
from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit
from adafruit_mpu6050 import MPU6050
from adafruit_lsm9ds1 import LSM9DS1_I2C

from .inputs.check_platform import ON_WINDOWS
from .inputs.config import d_train, IMUs, gps, nav
from .inputs.imu import MAG3110, calc_heading, calc_yaw_pitch_roll
from .inputs.camera_manager import CameraManager
from .utils.virtual_terminal import VTerminal
from .utils.super_logger import logger

socketio = SocketIO(logger=False, engineio_logger=False, async_mode='eventlet')

# for virtual terminal access
if not ON_WINDOWS:
    vterm = VTerminal(socketio)
        lambda output: socketio.emit("terminal-output", {"output": output}, namespace="/pty")

# Initialize the camera
camera_manager = CameraManager()

[docs]def getHYPR(): """ This function will try to determine the robot's Heading, Yaw, Pitch, & Roll (HYPR) dependent on the specific data returned from the IMU device connected to the robot. """ heading = [] yaw = 0 pitch = 0 roll = 0 for imu in IMUs: if type(imu, LSM9DS1_I2C): heading.append(calc_heading(imu.magnetic)) yaw, pitch, roll = calc_yaw_pitch_roll(imu.acceleration, imu.gyro) elif type(imu, MAG3110): heading.append(imu.get_heading()) if not heading: heading.append(0) logger.debug('sensor data', f'Heading: {heading[0]}, Yaw: {yaw}, Pitch: {pitch}, Roll: {roll}') return [heading[0], yaw, pitch, roll]
[docs]def get_imu_data(): """Returns a 2d array containing the following * ``senses[0] = accel[x, y, z]`` for accelerometer data * ``senses[1] = gyro[x, y, z]`` for gyroscope data * ``senses[2] = mag[x, y, z]`` for magnetometer data .. note:: Not all data may be aggregated depending on the IMU device connected to the robot. """ senses = [ [100, 50, 25], [-100, -50, -25], [100, -50, 25] ] for imu in IMUs: if isinstance(imu, LSM9DS1_I2C): senses[0] = list(imu.acceleration) senses[1] = list(imu.gyro) senses[2] = list(imu.magnetic) elif isinstance(imu, MPU6050): senses[0] = list(imu.acceleration) senses[1] = list(imu.gryo) return senses
[docs]@socketio.on('connect') def handle_connect(): """This event fired when a websocket client establishes a connection to the server""" logger.debug('web sockets', 'websocket Client connected!')
[docs]@socketio.on('disconnect') def handle_disconnect(): """This event fired when a websocket client breaks connection to the server""" logger.debug('web sockets', 'websocket Client disconnected') # If the camera was recently opened, then close it and reopen it to free the resource for # future use. The reason for "rebooting" the camera is that the camera device will be # considered "in use" until the corresponding resource is freed, for which we can re-initialize # the camera resource again. # if camera_manager.initialized: # camera_manager.close_camera() # camera_manager.open_camera() # If the vterm was initialized and/or running, close file descriptor and kill child process if not ON_WINDOWS: if vterm.running or vterm.initialized: vterm.cleanup()
[docs]@socketio.on('webcam-init') def handle_webcam_init(): """Initialize the camera when the user goes to the remote control page.""" if not camera_manager.initialized: camera_manager.open_camera()
[docs]@socketio.on('webcam') def handle_webcam_request(): """This event is to stream the webcam over websockets.""" if camera_manager.initialized: buffer = camera_manager.capture_image() b64 = base64.b64encode(buffer) emit('webcam-response', b64)
[docs]@socketio.on('webcam-cleanup') def handle_webcam_cleanup(): """Cleanup the camera when the user leaves the remote control page.""" if camera_manager.initialized: camera_manager.close_camera()
[docs]@socketio.on('WaypointList') def build_wapypoints(waypoints, clear): """Builds a list of waypoints based on the order they were created on the 'automode.html' page :param list waypoints: A list of GPS latitude & longitude pairs for the robot to travel to in sequence. :param bool clear: A flag that will clear the existing list of GPS waypoints before appending to it. """ if nav is not None: if clear: nav.clear() logger.debug('navigation', 'received waypoints') for point in waypoints: nav.insert(point) nav.printWP()
[docs]@socketio.on('gps') def handle_gps_request(): """This event fired when a websocket client's response to the server about GPS coordinates.""" logger.debug('navigation', 'gps data sent') NESW = (0, 0) if gps: gps[0].get_data() NESW = (gps[0].lat, gps[0].lng) else: NESW = (37.967135, -122.071210) emit('gps-response', [NESW[0], NESW[1]])
[docs]@socketio.on('sensorDoF') def handle_DoF_request(): """This event fired when a websocket client a response to the server about IMU device's data.""" senses = get_imu_data() emit('sensorDoF-response', senses) logger.debug('sensor data', 'DoF sensor data sent')
[docs]@socketio.on('remoteOut') def handle_remoteOut(args): """This event gets fired when the client sends data to the server about remote controls (via remote control page) specific to the robot's drivetrain. :param list args: The list of motor inputs received from the remote control page. """ logger.debug('navigation', f'remote = {repr(args)}') if d_train: # if there is a drivetrain connected d_train[0].go([args[0] * 655.35, args[1] * 655.35])
# NOTE: Source for virtual terminal functions: # virtual terminal handlers
[docs]@socketio.on("terminal-input", namespace="/pty") def on_terminal_input(data): """ Write to the child pty. The pty sees this as if you are typing in a real terminal. """ if not ON_WINDOWS: vterm.write_input(data["input"].encode())
[docs]@socketio.on("terminal-resize", namespace="/pty") def on_terminal_resize(data): """This event is fired when a websocket clients' window gets resized.""" if not ON_WINDOWS: vterm.resize_terminal(data["rows"], data["cols"])
[docs]@socketio.on("connect", namespace="/pty") def on_terminal_connect(): """This event is fired when a new client has connected to the server's terminal.""" if not ON_WINDOWS: vterm.init_connect(["/bin/bash", "./webapp/bash_scripts/"])